This is the Old Breed’s third planned tournament for 2020 and it has been our biggest turnout for years. In 2019, the 50s A-side lost a highly contested finals match to the Connecticut Grey. The 50s B-side won the consolation championship and the 55s had a great tournament, but fell to the Connecticut Grey in the finals. The men’s social, women’s social, and 45+ sides had a strong showing and look to make it to the podium in 2020.
We will enter as many sides as we can realistically fill and allow us the time to get between pitches. Estimated entries for 2020 are: men’s social, women’s social, 35+, 45+, 50+, and 55+.
Tentative schedule:
Thursday: practice an cook-out; 1800-2100
Friday: 35s, 45s, 50s, 55s, memorial event in the evening
Saturday: men’s & women’s social, kangaroo court in the evening
Sunday: finals & team fun in the Lake Placid, NY area
Check out the tournament’s website for more information.
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